About us

About us

ESTEA Consultancy

ESTEA Consultancy is a team of experts dedicated to supporting the Study Abroad dream of students. We are more than overseas education consultants. Keeping true to our mission to make abroad education accessible to all, ESTEA Consultancy has helped its students reach 10+ countries for study abroad programs. We have built a stellar student network that grows and succeeds as a community. Our excellent branch network and association with leading global institutions help us to deliver the best yet affordable education services.







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The Story Behind ESTEA Consultancy

“ESTEA Consultancy started its journey in 2023 with a vision to normalise overseas education by making it affordable and accessible. This vision, once shared by 4 individuals when ESTEA Consultancy opened its Yamunanagar HQ, is now the driving force for our extensive team.

We are a team of passionate and dedicated experts who have helped students from all walks of life realise their dream of studying abroad. We empathise with the struggles of a student who wants to study overseas and ensure that our services are available to everyone.

What Sets ESTEA Consultancy Apart?


Our foundations lie in a profound vision; we strive to empower students through international exposure and quality education.


Our mission is to make quality education a right and not a luxury. We provide personalised guidance, making foreign education accessible and affordable.


The strong foundation of Meridean Overseas is built to last, with the shared values of commitment, integrity, honesty, compassion, and cooperation.


We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Business services is a general term that describes work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity. Information technology is important.


We provide a free consultation to students who wish to study abroad. Our expert counsellors will help you pick the right direction and be with you every step of the way.

Profile Assessment

Our expert team will evaluate your profile thoroughly and pick the best courses and universities that you are eligible for. We will also help you build a profile required for your dream university.

University Applications

The applications team at ESTEA Consultancy will ensure that your university applications are impeccable and made at the right time.

IELTS Preparation

We strive to prepare you for the best education the world has to offer. Therefore, our brilliant teachers will coach you to ensure a high band score in IELTS.

Visa Guidance

We have a team of counsellors with country-specific expertise that will help you receive a student visa after receiving an offer letter from your university abroad.

Post-Immigration Guidance

Once you travel abroad for your education, you become a part of our vast student network. We will assist you with accommodation, part-time jobs and immigration

Don’t misread here we have random & interesting facts.

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.
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(10am - 05 pm)